Roman Gods

Google Doc

28. Watch the video and answer the following questions.

    a. Who is Jupiter? 

    b. Who is Jupiter's wife? 

    c. Who is Jupiter's favorite brother?

    d. Who is Jupiter's least favorite brother?

    e. Who is the god of wine?

    f. Who is Jupiter's favorite child? Why?

    g. Who is Jupiter's least favorite son? Why?

    h. Who is Jupiter's favorite twins? 

    i. Who is the goddess of the hunt and moon?

    j. Who is the god of fire?  

    k. List 3 of your favorite minor gods. Why did you like them? 

29. Watch the movie and list 5 of the Roman's main Gods and explain why each one was important. 

30. Read the article on Roman Gods and then explain some of the functions of the Roman Gods. 

31. Fling the Teacher

Put the letter of each answer in the Google Doc.