Advanced Level

General Information

The Poudre School District Advanced Music Program is open to any student who currently plays a band or orchestra instrument, and will be attending a high school in the fall.  We also welcome current PSD seniors who have graduated, but want to continue to play post graduation.

The advanced bands are offered at two sites, and the advanced orchestra is offered at one site each year.  The focus of the program is to prepare a short concert that is presented on the last day of classes.

For the summer of 2024, Advanced Band will be offered at Rocky Mountain High School and Fort Collins High School.  The Advanced Orchestra will be offered at Rocky Mountain High School.  These bands and orchestra are offered June 3 to June 14.  

Classes are taught by professional music educators - often by the teachers students will have in high school. 

Registration Required

All students are required to register for the summer music program. Registration is simple and can be done from home.  Registrations are accepted until the end of the program, but we encourage you to pre-register so we can plan adequate materials and music difficulty for the best experience.  Advanced classes do not close - you will be welcomed even if you don't pre-register, however, the teacher may not have music for you on your first day (you can still participate and share with someone else).

Pre-Registration - Click here to go to the Registration Information

TO PARTICIPATE IF YOU DIDN'T PRE-REGISTER: Simply come to the class you want to attend, and if there is space available, you can complete an on-site registration and participate as though you had registered.  If the class has too many students, you may be asked to find a different class location or time to participate.  Your summer teacher will help you.