Class Expectations


  • "On time" means having your choir folder and sitting in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  • Not following the above will result in a tardy and the loss of one participation point from your daily grade


  • We are a team--good team members encourage each other at all times, even when things don't go well. There will be many times during choir when mistakes are made or things don't sound "just right." In those moments, take the time to say a kind word to those in your section, or the sections around you.
  • Singing is a skill developed over time, and we have many different levels of skill in our choir. Keep these things in mind when you get frustrated by someone else's skill level:
    • Some of us do not have much singing experience or control of our voices, so be patient with us! We will get better with practice!
    • Some of us have a lot of choir experience--learn from us as we lead you, and don't forget that we like to hear that we are doing a good job!


  • Have a pencil in your folder at every rehearsal--take notes in your music!
  • Finish eating or chewing gum before the bell rings (or save it for after class).
  • Bring a bottle of water--the choir room is warm, and there are a lot of us in a small space.
  • Rehearsals at the beginning or the end of a long school day can be difficult--take time to wake up your body before rehearsal and give your best to the group.


  • Did you do one thing better than the last rehearsal? If so, you have been successful! Strive to get one more pitch correct, one more rhythm locked in, one more Latin phrase pronounced correctly; doing so will make the choir a little bit better every time we rehearse.
  • Reflect on where you started your singing journey frequently, and compare it to where you are today--you have made progress!