Raise Your Grade

Raise Your Grade

Getting Organized

· Do you waste time looking for things?

· Do you forget to bring what you need to class?

· Are there loose papers in your notebooks?

· Do you finish assignments at the last minute?

If you answered “YES” to any of the above, you may want to work on improving your organization skills.

Being organized isn’t hard, but it is a skill that needs to be developed and practiced.

Being organized will not only make you a better student, it will help you succeed in your career, and in life.

Use a Student Planner

Using our student planner every day is a great way to stay organized. Use your planner to record the following information:

· Important Dates

· Daily Assignments Quizzes, and Tests: Write each assignment under date, due dates, check off when completed.

· Projects and Papers: break large assignments into smaller ones=more manageable

· Activities and Appointments: write in practices, appointments, social, etc.

Organization Tips

· Study Areas: area should be comfortable, quiet, well-lit, and have a surface for writing.

· Pocket Folders: have a pocket folder for each class. Use these folders for homework assignments, returned papers, and handouts.

· Notebooks: use spiral or three-ring notebooks for class notes. Three-ring work well…easy to insert or take out.

· Have phone numbers for classmates. Have one person in each class. If you are absent or have a question about assignment …can call

Organization & Time Management Tips

Use Time Wisely. Use any free time you have during the day to work on homework. You’ll have a lot less to do at night.

Develop Routines. Routines can help you be more organized and get things done more efficiently.

Make To-Do Lists. Each day make a list of the things you need to do. Put the most important at top.

Create a Study Plan. Know when you study best and create a study plan that works for you.

Manage Your Time

With good time management skills, you have time for the things you need to do – and you still have time for the things you want to do.

A weekly schedule will help you organize your time. When filling out a weekly schedule, first write in scheduled activities, practices, dinner, etc. You will then be able to see when you have blocks of time for homework and studying.

HELP Sheet

POTTSVILLE HS 10-12 Grade “HELPS” available:

· PHS Test/Quiz/Project Calendar (link through high school webpage – Pottsville High School Media Center)

· District Calendar (link through high school webpage & Counselor – Mr. Lee)

· Mr. Lee’s Counselor Corner – PHS Website – Counselor – link to Mr. Lee’s Counselor Corner (everything tabbed)

· Moodle – Classroom assignments - see individual instructor

· Google Docs – Classroom assignments - see individual instructor

· HAC (Home Access Account)… this program replaced Pinnacle by the State Department of Education

· Email instructors directly – which includes instructors’ webpage

· AR Books – PHS website – Renaissance

· Khanacademy.org – link is on Pottsville High School Webpage – multiple concepts taught including math

· March2Success.com – tutorials that are free, including ACT/SAT tests

· Pottsville School’s Facebook Page

· Home Connect – Allows students practice reading and/or math skills at home

Pottsville High School Tutoring/

Make up Work, etc. Schedule