Boy's Volleyball Announcements

Fundraising Information

How to sign up for our Kroger Community Rewards


Kroger Rewards:  go to

To create an account – if you don’t already have one.

Click on the “Community” tab, then on to the “Kroger Community Rewards:

Sign up for our club:  Kill Club [Boy’s Volleyball PNHS]. 

Our organization # is 84476.


Team! It is very important that you get this done.

Sign up on Snap! Raise (for those of you that are new to it) or log in (if you've used it before) using this link:

Please use the join code if needed: 810882589

You will be directed to add your emails. The expectation is that every member of our team has 20 quality emails uploaded to your profile. I will be able to track this!

Make sure your emails do NOT include students, teachers, fake emails, etc. and are only legitimate potential donors. Again, I will be tracking this!

There will be incentives for those that participate fully in this campaign, so please get this done!

                    Watch this video for steps on how to login, or create an account, and pre-load your emails:


Thanks for all your hard work!