Platform Network is an informal network for cooperation within the youth sector between regions, municipalities, countries in Europe, and was initiated in Luxembourg in 1986. Since then the Platform Network has every year been facilitating youth activities to fulfil the aims of youth mobility and the exchange of experiences.

Who are the members of Platform Network?

Members are institutions or organizations within the youth sector that represent a country, a region or a local community. In principle, there can be more than one member from a country, but not on overlapping levels of administration. - for more information, click here -

What kind of activities does Platform Network support?

The Platform Network Activities are mainly targeted to youngsters aged 13-30. The participants pay a participation fee and the travel costs. The organisers often search for possibilities for cheaper joint local transport to the camp site. You can also inform yourself about possibilities to participate in an international camp in your own country. For additional information and registration, always contact the Platform Network member organisation in your own country. - for more information, click here -

VIDEO Presentation “Story of Platform Network”: 

English version:

German version:

In this  are members of Platform Network have access to documents, pictures and tools of the network.

Here you can give an evaluation of projects, you can submit proposals or change any contact details.