Class NEWS

News From Class

We have gotten off to a great start this school year with transitions in class, the hallway, lunch and recess. Tiger Pride is 5th grade is amazing as students exhibit our Tiger ROARS as 5th grade role models in Toffolon. I encourage you to visit our classroom website and browse through the parent corner as well as student expectations. There may be daily or weekly changes to the site, I do make sure to update the site as we add to classroom activities. Students are able to log onto our to our Math website and Math practice sites, as well as Science and Social Studies videos.

Students may bring in throw pillows to keep in class for reading around the room as well as a mug for tea time and hot cocoa this winter. Please label everything.

Class Dojo

Thank you for reading about and signing up to Class Dojo. I have sent an invitation home. Class dojo works on all devices from phones to desktop computers. Feel free to contact me regarding this website. This year students will be setting up portfolios to share their work with you. Additionally, you and your child will have the unique opportunity to be able to discuss daily and weekly assignments. So far it has been a good place for messages and seeing how our day has gone. I will not be utilizing Class Dojo as a behavior management piece. Instead, I will be sharing classroom activities, photos, and announcements of our many classroom and beyond experiences.


Beginning next week your children will be asking you to sign their agendas as a means to check up on their homework completion as well as being sure to initial their reading logs. Each Monday Morning the students write their entire’s weeks worth of work, but sometimes there may be a small additions or changes to their daily or weekly work.

Homework & Google Classroom

Students will write their assignments in their agenda and should follow this each day. Additionally, Students and you will be able to log onto Google Classroom to see classroom assignments and announcements. All of our math curriculum is online at There is a link on our school website as well. There are math drill worksheet sites and plenty of information for students to find practice when their materials are forgotten on their desks. A forgotten reading log can be written on paper and attached to their log once back in school.

As always I can be reached by email any time of the day. Please share a current a phone number and I will call you as soon as I am able. My number one motto is to speak with you personally and be sure all is well. A safe happy child is a student who finds personal success each and everyday. I look forward to meeting you at open house and etching your children this school year!

Many happy returns

Mrs. Susan Fabrizio 860-793-3280 ext 5264

Six Steps to Homework Article

Article Link: Click Here