Parent Info

Please read through the below information of necessary supplies needed throughout the semester.

For more information on other D.H.C. or Pitt County Schools information, click on any of the below links for more information:

D.H. Conley High School

DHC Student Handbook 2017-18

PCS School Calendar

Pitt County Schools

The Usual Suspects:

  • pencils/pens
  • highlighters
  • post-its (at least 2 sizes)
  • spiral notebook for vocabulary work only (1-subject is normally fine)
  • notebook/binder with paper

* We will be utilizing Google Docs for almost everything, but think of these items as back-ups in case of technology gaffes.


open mind

sense of humor

positive work ethic


some humility

Wish Items:

Tissue because everyone has a runny nose at some point.

Antibacterial gel because sometimes we don't get the tissue in time.