3rd Grade
Pullout schedule: 2 hours per week, subject to change on 3 day weeks, 4 day weeks and weeks during special events
Bloom with Books
This interdisciplinary unit includes lessons for each grade level 1-5 connected to different children’s books, selected for their rich use of language and high interest for advanced readers. The activities are based upon a variety of content areas, including language arts, math, science, and social studies.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Develop an appreciation of reading by selecting and reviewing texts.
Comprehend and explain a variety of texts.
Make connections to real-life experiences.
Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…
Rating and recommending books through book talks.
Reviewing books organized by grade and genre.
Logic and Reasoning
Students will be exposed to syllogistic and deductive reasoning strategies while solving a mystery. Students will use logic grids to analyze and interpret data; use syllogisms to strengthen their reading and reasoning skills; and learn to form generalizations based upon valid assumptions.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Develop and apply inductive and deductive reasoning skills.
Construct logical conclusions based on information given.
Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…
Designing a matrix problem that explains what has happened to the main characters.
Genius Hour
The Genius Hour Unit is designed to create an environment where students can fully take ownership of their own work from start to finish while exploring a topic of interest specific to them. Students begin by learning proper research strategies which include the effective use of the internet and determining the credibility of sources. The unit progresses through a thorough exploration of the definition of Genius Hour, and starts students thinking about topics of interest. They will formulate a Driving Question which becomes the foundation of their research. Finally, students will work on selecting and developing a presentation method (product). The means of creating a product are extensive; students will work on selecting one which matches their research most effectively. The final step is to present student work.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Develop guiding questions that lead to meaningful research.
Synthesize information into an effective presentation.
Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…
Researching a self-selected topic.
Creating a presentation to share what was learned
Microworlds Pro
Students are taught basic logical programming skills using Logo programming. Students learn the language of the program and put together smaller programs to complete a larger, more complicated program.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Understand and explain the importance of computer coding.
Diagnose and solve problems using logical reasoning
Create innovative products from newly acquired coding skills.
Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…
Completing required criteria in final project.
Please let us know of any concerns, questions, or suggestions: priya.subramanian@pisd.edu or catie.smith@pisd.edu. We value your input and would love to hear from you.