Assessment Resources

AzMERIT and Alternate Assessments

AzMERIT - Testing Accommodations can be found under the "AzMERIT Test Administration Information" section.



Houghton Mifflin Phonics Screener Accommodated Nonverbal Format (13-14 school year version)

Teacher Version

Student Version

DIBELS Deep Accommodated Nonverbal Format

Phonemic Awareness

Quick Screen

Word Reading and Decoding

Directions for Writing Tools during Assessments

If directed by the IEP, students with typing as a testing accommodation are allowed to use the following tools with the "writing helpers" turned off. Below are instructions on how to disable this on each device:

Fusion - Turning off word prediction, grammar check, and spell check

To disable, open a file (any file) and then touch the "Menu" button. Use the arrow keys to choose "Setup." Use the arrow keys to choose "Disable Writing Helpers." Type "Y" to confirm.

To enable, open a file (any file) and then touch the "Menu" button. Use the arrow keys to choose "Setup." Use the arrow keys to choose "Disable Writing Helpers." Type "pass" for the password.

Writer Plus - Turning off word prediction, grammar check, and spell check

To disable, open any folder and then press Option and Alt and H (all three keys at the same time). A message stating "Writing Helpers Disabled" will briefly appear and disappear.

To enable, open any folder and then press Option and Alt and H (all three keys at the same time). A prompt asking "Enable Writing Helpers Are You Sure?" Type "Y" to enable them. A message stating "Writing Helpers Enabled" will briefly appear and disappear.

Alphasmart 3000 - Turning off spell check

To disable, press the command (bottom left looks like a flower) + option + spell check keys at the same time. When prompted, enter the master password (contact AT Coordinator if you can't think of the password).

To enable, press the command (bottom left looks like a flower) + option + spell check keys at the same time. When prompted, enter the master password (contact AT Coordinator if you can't think of the password).

Microsoft Word

**If using the computer, students need to use notepad or wordpad rather than Mircrosoft office as there is no way to turn off spell check. You can turn off the red and green lines (check spelling as you type), but the student can still use the spell check button on the toolbar. To launch notepad or word pad, click on the start button, then choose programs and scroll to the "accessories" folder. Both programs are located here.