Dynamic Planet

Dynamic Planet

This event is typically run as either a station event or a sit down test. Teams will be presented with data, charts/graphs, pictures or diagrams and/or written descriptions. Teams will then be asked to answer questions, perform calculations, and otherwise solve the tasks they are given. Teams may also be asked to draw conclusions and predict likely future occurrences based on historic information. The topic for the 2017 tournament is large-scale processes affecting the structure of the Earth's crust.

NC Science Olympiad Dynamic Planet

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Science Olympiad Wiki Dynamic Planet

Science Olympiad Dynamic Planet

Science Olympiad Wiki Earthquake and Volcano Vocabulary

National Geographic Volcano

Weekly Volcanic Activity

Plate Tectonics


Geologic History of North America

Geologic History Rocky Mountains

Geologic History Appalachian Mountains

Geologic History Appalachian Mountains

Geologic History Yellowstone

Dynamic Planet Google Doc

Plate Tectonic Flashcards

Volcano Flashcards

Modern Location of Plate Boundaries

Paleogeography Maps

Pangea Break up


Wilson Cycle Opening and Closing An Ocean Basin

Orogenic Belts

Paleogeography and Geologic Evolution of North America

Tectonic Plate Quizlet

Nova's to watch:

Mount St. Helens: Back from the Dead

Path of a Killer Volcano

Deadliest Volcanoes

Doomsday Volcanoes

Himalayan Megaquake


Earth Science