Passerelles numériques in a nutshell

Want to learn more about Passerelles numériques, who we are and what we do ? You're on the right place!

If you want to know even more about us, please visit our website.

Passerelles numériques is a French non-profit organization, created in 2005, which intends to enable young underprivileged people to build their employability through education in the digital industry, and leverage their potential and willpower. Our organization’s final aspiration it allows them and their family to escape poverty in a sustainable way, and contribute to the social and economic development of their country.

PN currently operates in three Asian countries :

PN’s objective is that at least 90% of the students enrolled in our programs can escape poverty, be professionally more successful relatively to the national average, and take advantage of a “Gateway for Life”.

Our actions:

Our values - 5 values guide us in everything we do. We strive to pass them down to all of our students:





Demanding Approach