Welcome to the Smart Lab    

Hello, and welcome to the P.A.E.S Smart Lab website. I am Mrs. Barber and I will be the facilitator in the lab. You can learn more about me through the "Meet Mrs. Barber" tab found along the left hand side of the page, and more about the lab using the "Meet the Smart Lab" tab. You can contact me with any questions or concerns about your child's time in the Smart Lab by email at tbarber@pasdedu.org (using the contact me tab found on this page) or by school phone at 814-642-9557 ext. 3050.

By clicking on the tabs above you will find many more great tips and tools to help make your child's time in the lab a wonderful and fulfilling educational experience! Check back often, as updates will be added frequently. I look forward to collaborating with you and your child this year!

You can find additional copies of the "Welcome brochure" sent home with your child during their first SmartLab visit below:

Pre K Welcome Brochure

K Welcome Brochure

1st Welcome Brochure

2nd - 6th Brochure