Unruly Splats

Will be available later in the 2019-20 school year.

Unruly Splats are programmable floor tiles that pair with a tablet preloaded with tons of recess-style play games. Students first play the preloaded games then they ... Code epic obstacle courses, re-create an arcade favorite, or review for an upcoming quiz.

They can code their own games wirelessly from a tablet/smartphone and control the lights, sounds, and sensing of each Splat.

Use Splats to bring movement and collaboration into your classroom--all while introducing fundamental STEM skills. A versatile tool for elementary and middle schoolers, Splats live in gyms, libraries, labs, classrooms, and afterschool spaces.

Curricular Connection What will I need Notes

Unruly Studios is the first ever edtech company that combines physical fitness with STEM for students!

Unruly Studios creates interactive games that empower students with critical STEM skills (such as coding) while stimulating creative problem solving through physical activity and social engagement. It's an Active STEM Play experience.

4 Ways to Make Coding & STEAM Playful Guide

The unruly classroom set of 10 splats uses 3 AA batteries for each splat.

To code the splats you will need a Chromebook with bluetooth capabilities and the browser app found at app.unruly-studios.com

The kit contains:

  • 5 sets of splats (2 per set)
  • 5 tablets for coding the splats

Recommended for age: 6 to 13

Cost: 2 pack $149. 00, 4 pack $269.00, classroom pack (10) $829

Twitter: @unruly_studios

Facebook: @playunrulystudios