Cubelets - Modular Robotics

Cubelets are robot blocks that help teach important problem-solving skills – like collaboration, engineering, design, and computational thinking. Combine the 17 unique kinds of Cubelets in different ways to create countless robot constructions. Every design is a new robot construction and it all starts when you combine the three basic categories of Cubelets. Cubelets’ unique design makes robot-building simple. Their size and magnetic connections are perfect for users of all skill levels. No need to code unless you want to– the behavior emerges from your construction. If you can build with blocks you can build with Cubelets.

What You Will Need

  1. Students can use Chromebooks to access the Cubelet app. Cubelet Console is a free web app to help you craft with code and do more with Cubelets robot blocks. There is also a Cubelets mobile app.

  2. Our Mobile Makerspace kit comes with eight battery pack robot blocks and four cases filled with various robot blocks.

Resources and Curriculum Connections

Additional Information

Recommended for K-12

Cost: Discovery Set of 5 ($225), Curiosity Set of 10 ($399), Boundless Builder Set of 19 ($539)

Battery Life: 90 minutes to charge for about 4 hours of use depending upon how many Cubelets the battery is powering

Charges using a micro USB port

More About the Battery Cubelet

More About the Bluetooth Hat

Cubelet Maintenance

Troubleshooting Cubelets