Methods Lab Ensemble

Course Description

This weekly lab ensemble is designed to provide music education majors with experience singing and playing secondary instruments in a student led lab ensemble. The participants will also explore warm up materials and literature appropriate for beginner to intermediate levels in choral, wind, and string ensembles. Music education majors currently taking Secondary Music Methods (MUS 374) will serve as conductors for the Lab Ensemble. Freshman and sophomore music education majors taking Woodwind Methods and String Methods (odd numbered years), or Brass Methods and Percussion Methods (even numbered years) will serve as instrumentalists and singers in the lab ensemble. This activity provides opportunities to practice and apply performance skills, techniques, methods, and materials needed to play, sing, conduct, and teach music.

Goals and Objectives

1. The Laboratory Ensemble utilizes selected materials appropriate for the laboratory instrumental ensemble and chorus, including class methods, published and unpublished compositions, and teacher/student-prepared materials.

2. A student who participates as a conductor or teacher or coach is required, with the supervision of the faculty coordinator(s), to prepare and distribute the materials and equipment, prepare the rehearsal space, and lead the ensemble.

3. This class is not a replacement period for regular practice in sight-singing and instrumental methods.

4. All participants in the Lab Ensemble are expected to provide their best focus and effort during rehearsals; this means make eye contact, pay attention, listen and respond, nod, smile, be kind and generous with your attitude and words.

5. To the Conductors: Always be prepared to do your best and then reflect and refine what works well and what doesn’t.

6. To the ensemble members: learn from your experiences because someday it will be you up on that podium too.

7. Follow the Musical Golden Rule: “Perform music for other conductors as you would want them to perform music for you.”