Friday Activities

Every Friday each pupil from S1 - S3 spend period 6 enjoying one of the fantastic activities provided by different members of staff in the school. It is a great reward for a week of hard work and allows each young person to learn new skills and work with other peers from across the school. They choose a different activity each month. Below you will find information on each and some pictures to see the groups having fun.

Dungeons & Dragons

Do you love fantasy, magic and completing adventures with your friends? Them come along and sign up to take part in Kilpatrick's Dungeon & Dragons group. We will build our own characters, battle mythical creatures and uncover untold mysteries. Come and join the adventure with Mr McInnes.

Kick Boxing

Kickboxing strengthens and tones your legs, arms, glutes, back, and core all at once. You're moving through the entire workout, causing you to burn more calories while strengthening your muscles. Beginners and experienced kickboxers are all welcome to Join Mr Cummings.

Lego Club

Do you enjoy building with Lego? Why not sign up for Kilpatrick's Friday Lego club with Miss McKendrick. At Lego club everyone will need to work as a team to complete your models.

Karaoke Club

Do you love to sing, love music and love to party? Every Friday in Miss McGhee's class it is a non stop party where you can be a star. You can choose to sing along to your favourite songs and join in the Karaoke fun.

Movie Afternoon

Sit back, relax and enjoy watching your favourite movies with Mrs Lipsett.

Dance Club

Dance your Fridays afternoons away at dance club and learn some fantastic new moves with Mrs Roarty-Smith.

Construction Club

Engineers in the making will enjoy the chance to be create amazing projects. Let your creative freedom run wild with Mrs Patterson

Gardening Club

Help Mr Hannigan maintain our schools grounds and plant fruit and vegetables. Create homes for wildlife and even plant your own special plants and flowers.