Kilpatrick early years service (KEys)

Kilpatrick Early Years Service (KEYS) is located within Kilpatrick School. The service is based in a specialised unit within the primary school. 

Person responsible for KEYS:

Heather Galloway, ELC Lead Practitioner (KEYS)

Meet our Team

Heather Galloway

Lead Practitioner


ELC Officer 


ELC Officer 

 Lesley Huisman

Peripatetic ELC Officer


Learning Assistant

Duty of Candour

Please see our Duty of Candour statements, click on the square with the arrow to view full screen.

Duty of Candour policy keys 2023-24.pdf
Copy of Duty of Candour Statement keys 2021.docx.pdf
Copy of KEYS Leaflet.pptx (1).pdf

Keys Leaflet

Click on the square with the arrow to enlarge our leaflet to learn all about our wonderful services, staff, purpose and aims.