Transitioning to Kilpatrick School

Kilpatrick School extends a warm welcome to all prospective pupils and their parents/carers.

There is key information below that you can read or watch at your leisure. Please feel free to browse the different sections within our website.

Pupils and parents can also access regular updates via our Twitter feed @Kilpatrickscho1

We look forward to meeting you and your child in the near future.

Virtual Tour of Kilpatrick School

Pupil Welcome

Teacher Welcome

(Secondary Staff)

Phone policy.pptx

Mobile Phone Policy

Handbook 22-23

School Handbook 2022-23

VVA KS Word.docx

Vision, Values and Aims


Vision, Values and Aims Video

SS Transition within school.pdf

Social Story

(Secondary Transition)

ELT Welcome.mp4

Extended Leadership Team Welcome


P1 Welcome -

Miss Clydesdale