Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew Constitution
(updated Aug 2011)
Historical Note
In October 1959 The Opemikon Rover Crew was formed under the joint leadership of R.H. (Buster) Crabbe and Homer Last, and had six members. That fall it catered to and supervised the work of what became the first of many work weekends. In January 1960 the crew operated the first winter weekend at camp. Every winter since then the Crew has operated the winter camp. It is estimated that 10’s of thousands youth and leaders have attended winter camp at Opemikon and were catered to by the Crew. For over four decades The Opemikon Rover Crew had "under age" members (under 18 years old) that were really Venturer age. Although under age, they were accepted into the Crew as "squires" until they reached 18, with all the same rights as older members. The reason was if the Crew only had members above 18 year old there would not be enough members to do all the work at Camp, due to people going to college, university and other reasons. This situation changed around 2001 when the leadership of Scouts Canada would no longer permit underage Rover to be registered in The Opemikon Rover Crew. To solve this problem The Opemikon Rover Crew created The Opemikon Venturer Company. After some growing pains, the Company and Crew now work as if they were actual one section within Scouts Canada, the only difference being if the member gets a blue or red crest upon investiture and if the member is registered with Scouts Canada as a Venturer or Rover. Due to historical reasons of over 40 years as being a Rover Crew and that the focus of the group is still “Service” to Camp Opemikon (Service being the Rover Motto), many terms have remained "Rover" terms but do apply to both Venturers and Rovers. In particular, it is still common place to refer to the Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew as just "The Crew" and the leadership of this joint group has a “Skip” and “Mates”.
Although the distinction between Venturer and Rover is made for registration and other reasons for Scouts Canada, all members of The Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew upon investiture are equal and there are no differences within the group. This single group will never have separate meetings, functions, activities... one for the Venturers and one for the Rovers.
Article 1.0 Name
1.1 The organization will be known as the “The Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew” or as mentioned above in short “The Crew” and will be referred to as the “the Company / Crew” in this document.
Article 2.0 Parent Organization
2.1 The Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew is part of the Canadian Scout Organization known as “Scouts Canada” and therefore subscribes to its by-laws, policies, and procedures.
Article 3.0 Purpose
3.1 The Opemikon Venturer Company and Rover Crew is a vocational group with the purpose of providing “Service” to Camp Opemikon in the areas of catering, program delivery, and general maintenance. “Service” will also be provided to the advisors of the Opemikon Company and Crew in the form of support to enable them to undertake their duties when at Opemikon, for example, childcare.
Article 4.0 Membership
4.1 Recruitment
Normally at the first meeting of the season (last Sunday of August) a list of potential members is created by the current invested members. Invested youth members of the Company / Crew propose people and give reasons why the candidate will be a suitable member. A second will be called for and a further discussion may follow. Invested Company / Crew members will then vote upon the proposed candidate’s suitability within the Company / Crew. A 2/3 majority of the invested Company / Crew members present must vote in favour of accepting the candidate. If accepted an invitation will be sent to the candidate. Any invested member (youth or adult) of the Company / Crew may recommend a potential member at any time by submitting the name to the Company / Crew and the above process will be followed.
4.2 Probationary Period
After the formal invitation has been accepted by a potential member, a fifteen catered weekend probationary period will begin starting at the next business meeting. Within fifteen catered weekends, the Company / Crew expect the potential member to attend two business meetings and two weekends at Camp Opemikon providing service to the Camp through the Company / Crew. If a potential member does not complete these requirements within the fifteen catered weekend probationary period, the invitation for membership may be rescinded.
A potential member, who has not completed the probationary requirements and still wishes to join the Company / Crew, must arrange a meeting with the executive. At this meeting the potential member explains reasons for reconsideration of membership. A decision will be made by the executive as to whether or not a second invitation will be extended. In the case where the second invitation is given, a new probationary period begins as outlined above. If a second invitation is not given, the potential member is not eligible for membership in the Company / Crew.
4.3 Prospective Period
For those potential members that have completed the probationary period and still want to join, the potential member is invited to join the Company / Crew and begins a period as a prospective member by receiving the Opemikon neckerchief and epaulettes.
4.4 Declined Membership
In the case that a candidate be declined membership due to not meeting the requirements stated in the bylaws or being unable to abide by the purposes of the Opemikon Company and Crew and Scouts Canada, it is the responsibility of the Executive and the Advisor to make every effort to find a suitable placement within another Company or Crew.
4.5 Investiture
When a successful prospective member has been accepted into the investiture stage, he/she is then expected to attend two more business meetings, and two more weekend where they provide service to the Camp through the Company / Crew. This must be completed in the same Scouting year as the probationary period. When the new member successfully completes the second half of the investiture period, the member receives their epaulets. If performance does not remain the same or the new member does not complete the investiture process in that scouting year, a meeting with the executive may be requested for reconsideration. Process 4.1 above starts over.
4.6 Continued Membership
To continue a membership with the Company / Crew an invested member must attend 4 business meetings and must provide 4 weekends of service at Camp through the Company / Crew in each Scouting year. If these requirements are not completed then the member is no longer a member in good standing. If the member wishes to continue their participation with the Company / Crew they must set up a meeting with the executive, to request to be re-invited into the Company / Crew and they restart with 4.1 above. If the member has no intention of continuing their participation with the Company / Crew then they are removed from the Company / Crew. A member wishing to leave the Company / Crew shall inform the Skip and the mate of their section and present a letter of resignation to the Crew by the next meeting. Members who leave in good standing will be considered “Country members”. Country members can return as members in good standing at any future date. Membership may be reviewed and revoked by the Company / Crew, by at least a two-thirds vote of the invested members present, if a member fails to live up to the aims and principles of Scouts Canada or the spirit of the Company / Crew. To do this the member in question and all other invested members of the Company / Crew must be given notice at a business meeting and told why the action is being started. At the next business meeting the vote will occur.
Article 5.0 Executive
Due to the Company and the Crew working as a single unit, a joint executive of both Venturers and Rovers will be elected. Specifically, the Skip, Advisors, Mates, Treasurer and Secretary will be elected.
5.1 Mates
i) Will assist the Skip, Advisor(s) and Secretary as the need arises.
ii) May be a signing authority for the Company / Crew.
iii) Will act as a liaison between the Company / Crew and Skip.
iv) Will be an advisor to all committees.
v) There must be a minimum of two mates, one each from Venturer age members and one from Rover age members.
vi) The role of the mates, as on a ship, is to be the “go between” person between the skip and the rest of the youth members, hence why at least one from each age group is selected and why the Skip must agree to the people proposed.
5.2 Treasurer
i) Will keep dues records.
ii) Will keep all financial accounts of the Company / Crew, and will report the balance of those accounts at every business meeting.
iii) Will be a signing authority for the Company / Crew.
5.3 Secretary
i) Will keep copies of the Company / Crew 's constitution.
ii) Will be responsible for keeping records of all Company / Crew correspondence.
iii) Will keep a current list of all Company / Crew members and their contact information.
iv) May be a signing authority for the Company / Crew.
5.4 Advisor(s)
i) Assist the Skip and will carry out any duty assigned by the Skip.
ii) May be a signing authority for the Crew.
5.5 The Skip (must be over 25 years old by BP&P)
i) Must act in the best interest of the Company / Crew.
ii) Will be aware of all Company / Crew committees and their meetings.
iii) Will liaise with the Voyager Council.
iv) Will be one of the signing authorities of the Company / Crew.
v) Will be the official spokesperson for the Company / Crew.
vi) Will hold the past records of the Company / Crew.
Article 6.0 Elections
Only invested youth members that are present and vote each year are to create the executive. The present mates run the election.
6.1 Elections should be held every year at the October meeting.
6.2 The position of Skip requires a unanimous vote by the invested members present.
6.3 The positions of Mates, Secretary and Treasurer require a vote greater than 50% of the invested members present.
6.4 The youth members will each choose at least 2 Mates (1 Venturer age and 1 Rover age) and the names will be forwarded to the Skip for consideration. If the new Skip cannot accept a name forwarded, the Skip shall explain why and ask for a new name to be forwarded.
6.5 Advisors will be elected in to the Company / Crew once by the youth. After a successful vote of greater than 2/3 of the youth then the advisor(s) are suggests and then the skip presents the names to the group commissioner. appointed to the Company / Crew by the group commissioner and serve as advisors until such time as they leave Company / Crew or come to a vote of no-confidence as in section 4.5.
6.6 The term of office for all executive positions is one year.
6.7 If a vacancy occurs in the elected executive, a replacement shall be elected by a vote of the invested Company / Crew members, as soon as possible.
Article 7.0 Meetings
7.1 Business meetings will be held on the last Sunday of each month unless otherwise arranged, and will be chaired by the Mates or proxy as appointed by the Mates.
7.2 Meetings will be held at Scout Headquarters, 1345 Baseline Road Ottawa, at the home of an invested or proposed member or at any other suitable location agreed upon.
7.3 Executive meetings may be called by any member of the executive however; all executive members shall be informed of the meeting in advance. Any invested member wishing to set up a meeting sends the request to the Skip. Request for a meeting are to be submitted one business meeting before the date of the meeting. All members must be informed of the time, location and reason for the meeting.
7.4 During business meetings the Mates will conduct the business of the Company / Crew.
8.1 Only invested members of the Crew may vote.
8.2 A majority vote (greater that 50%) of the invested members present and voting is required for a motion to be carried, unless otherwise stated above.
8.3 The Skip will only vote in the event of a tie.
8.4 Traditionally the voting is carried out by a show of hands.
9.1 Amendments to the constitution must be approved by two-thirds majority of all invested members present and voting.
9.2 Proposed amendments must be presented in written or electronic form to the Company / Crew at least one meeting prior to tabling the amendment.
10.1 Dues shall be $12.00/year ($1.00 per month). Dues can be paid each in a lump sum with registration fees.
10.2 Dues must be paid by all invested members and is not dependant on attendance.
10.3 A newly invested member of the Company / Crew will be registered with the Opemikon Venturer Company / Rover Crew. The member is then subject to all usual registration fees set by Scouts Canada, Voyageur Council, unless they are currently registered with another group in the Council.
10.4 If a prospective member is invited to continue onto the investiture process he/she is then expected to pay the $12.00 dollars dues.
10.5 Registration for invested members shall occur in September. New Company / Crew members shall be registered with Scouts Canada, as soon as their registration fee is paid. Registration fees must be paid as they become due.
10.6 Members may be required to pay additional fees for Company / Crew activities. Such fees will be determined by a vote of the Company / Crew at a regular meeting.
11.1 The Company / Crew uniform shall be the official Venturer / Rover tan uniform as outlined in the Scouts Canada B. P. & P. See Appendix A. This uniform shall be worn at all times during special events where members are acting on behalf of the Company / Crew, unless otherwise decided by the Company / Crew. During business meetings the uniform or other Opemikon clothes shall be worn. During normal service at Camp appropriate “working” dress, other than the tan uniform, is usually worn to perform cooking, maintenance and such.
11.2 The group’s neckerchief is red with the Company or Crew emblem sewn on the back. See Appendix B.
11.3 A new invested member will be issued with a group neckerchief with crest and one extra emblem. These items may not be traded at any time and must be returned if the member is asked to leave the Company / Crew.
11.4 Activity dress will be dictated by the type of activity. See Appendix A.
11.5 Members must be dressed neatly at all times.
Article 12.0 Vigil and Knighting
12.1 The Knighting Ceremony is a ceremony where the candidate takes their promise as an adult and not as a youth. As such, once a member turns 18 years of age and is a member in good standing, they are eligible for knighting. Being knighted does not give the member any special voting privileges or status. It is a scouting tradition for youth members to retake their promise but this time not as a “youth” but as an “adult”.
12.2 The Vigil, if the member chooses to have it, will be performed at any time prior to the knighting ceremony, by the member. See Appendix C.
12.3 The Ceremony
The actual ceremony will take place at Camp Opemikon or any other suitable location chosen by the member.
a) Knighted members will assemble (only knighted members can attend a knighting ceremony as per Scouting tradition).
b) The flag bearers, the Skip and Advisor(s) will enter and proceed to the front.
c) The proposer and second will walk the new member to the front and introduce them to the Skip.
d) The rest of the knighted members will stand and the knighting will begin.
e) The Skip will ask the member if they are ready to be knighting. The candidate will then wash their hands. See Appendix D
f) The flags (Canadian flag and Rover flag) will lower and the new member will repeat the Rover promise.
g) The Skip will place a knot in the member’s neckerchief and ask them to kneel in order to be knighted.
h) The proposer and second will then place the Rover epaulettes on the newly invested member.
i) The newly knighted member then will return to a seat located with the other newly knighted members, and their sponsors will return to their seats.
j) The flag bearers then leave followed by the Skip, Advisor(s), and all Rovers.
Appendix A
The group’s uniform is the current Scout Canada designated uniform to be worn in full at Crew/Company meetings. See the scouts Canada website for pictures and further questions.
The Company / Crew have many activities that require a different selection of clothing, known as activity wear.
Activity Wear: 1. Kitchen: In the kitchen by Health and Safety standards you are required to wear closed toed shoes, socks, a hat, a top with the equivalence to a short sleeved t-shirt and shorts or pants. Clothing displaying alcohol, drugs, illegal activities, and sexual references is not acceptable.
2. Program: Depending on the program activity wear will vary. Those delivering programs must abide by all guidelines associated with Scout Canada’s Outdoor Activity Guide and in accordance 3 with any training provided by accredited outside organizations.
3. Maintenance: Certain maintenance tasks may require the wearing of safety wear, such as steel-toed shoes, goggles, or helmets. The Camp Warden who is responsible for overseeing such tasks will outline any such requirements.
Appendix B
The Crew Emblem
The Crests consists of the following:
1. A white triangle as the background.
2. The triangle will have a red or blue border.
3. The words "Opemikon Rover Crew" in red or "Opemikon Venturer Company" in blue.
4. The teepee and Scout or Venturer symbol in black.
Appendix C
This is a suggestion for the Rover vigil, or self examination, as originally presented to Rovers.
The Rovers, with the aid of the questions drawn up by Baden-Powel, will quietly think out what is going on in their lives.
The vigil, if used, should come at the end of the period of probation or orientation.
It should be made clear to the young people that they should not be invested until they are quite sure that they are honestly ready. They should think carefully before taking this important step and should not commit themselves to a serious promise or principles until they are resolved to do their best to keep them.
The Vigil
As one grows older, time passes more and more quickly. Comparatively speaking, human life only lasts for a short time and is soon gone.
Squires should ask themselves these questions:
1. Am I making the best use of the life that God has given me?
2. Am I frittering it away, in doing nothing that counts - that is, wasting it?
3. Am I working at things that are not doing any good to anybody?
4. Am I seeking too much for my own enjoyment, money making or promotion without trying to help other people?
5. Whom have I injured or hurt in my life? Can I do anything to make amends?
6. Whom have I helped in my life? Is there anyone else I can help?
We don't get paid or rewarded for doing service. It is the fact that we receive no recompense for this service that makes us free in doing it. We are not working for an employer, but for God and our own conscience.
The Rover section of the Scout movement is described as a brotherhood of service. If we join Rovering, we will get the opportunity of training for, and of doing, service in many ways that would not have been open to us otherwise.
Service is not only for spare time. We must be on the lookout for opportunities of serving constantly.
Squires should ask themselves the following questions:
1. Am I joining the Rover section only for the fun I can get out of it?
2. Am I determined to put real self-sacrificing service into it?
3. What do I mean by service?
4. Do I really think of others, rather than myself, in my plans or undertakings?
5. What kind of service am I best suited to do at home, at work, in my spare time?
As the success of our service will depend to a great extent on our personal character, we must discipline ourselves in order that we may be a good influence on others.
1. Am I determined to give up bad habits acquired in the past?
2. What are the weak points in my character?
3. Am I absolutely honourable, and trustworthy?
4. Am I loyal to God and my Queen, my country, my employers, to those under me, the scout movement, my friends and myself?
5. Am I good tempered, cheery and kind to others?
6. Am I sober and clean living, and clean speaking?
7. Have I courage and patience to stick it out when things are going against me?
8. Have I a mind of my own, or do I allow myself to be carried away by the persuasion of others?
9. Am I strong minded enough to ward off the temptations to drink, to harm other people?
10. Am I weak in some of these things, do I resolve here and now, with God's help, to do my best to correct them and give them up?
May God give me the strength to go forward henceforth and complete person, a true citizen, and a credit to my country.
Note - This text is taken from "Rovers - Canada" cat no. 20-780
Appendix D
"In ancient times it was the custom of those about to become knights to be laved with water, in token of the washing away of past misdeeds and as a sign that they were determined to commence afresh."
Note - This text is taken from "Rovers - Canada" cat no. 20-780