OHS Principal

It is a great day to be a Logger!

Onalaska High School has a long and proud tradition of excellence and we are working hard to keep that tradition alive and well. We believe that the most important aspect of teaching is relationships and making sure students are the center of all of our decisions. Our staff takes time to get to know and work with our families on a personal level so we can provide the best education possible. The same as fir trees protect each other from wind and weather, we look out for each other as family.

I personally have been in education since 1996 after serving in the military. My wife and I have been married for 36 years and we have one son together. I have been an elementary, K-12, and high school principal and most recently a superintendent. My goal here in Onalaska is to increase expectations and provide the best overall education for our students so they are prepared to be successful in whatever adventures they choose after leaving OHS.

I do not know what the future holds for us, but I know if we embrace the Ony Way, we can overcome those challenges, the obstacles and hurdles with success. Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish!

I welcome you to join us on our journey on continuous improvement. If there is something you feel we can do better, please reach out to me with your suggestion. Thank you for visiting our webpage.

~Wade Pilloud

OHS Principal


The ONY Way:

You will hear staff and students talk about The ONY Way. The ONY Way is a set of five traits that we hope students will learn and instill while at school and in the community.

The five traits are:

GRIT: To have courage and resolve; strength of character;

PASSION: To approach life with a compelling enthusiasm;

VISION: The ability to plan for the future with imagination and wisdom;

FAMILY: All students are part of the Onalaska family. We will accept each other for our differences, strengths and weaknesses;

SERVICE: The action of helping someone without the need for anything in return.

These traits are important life qualities that every person needs to be a successful adult. Please help us teach and support The ONY Way!