Current Projects

Aquaponics: Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system utilizing the nutrients from fish waste that is supplied to plants. Our system is trying to emulate that of a closed-loop aquaponic system to reduce the amount of water consumed. We have two current goals for this system. First, to achieve stable planting conditions within our grow beds, concerning the water supply, nutrients, and lighting. Second, to be able to produce our feed for our fish with the development of a black soldier fly farm sustained upon our solid fish waste. 

Agrivoltaics: Our agrivoltaics project involves experimenting with growing different types of plants beneath solar panels and to optimize the use of space and functionality of the panels. 

COVID-19 Resources and Support

If you need resources or support because of COVID-19, here is the OSU resources page

If you're in Oregon, 211 info can help connect you to resources to support your basic needs (including healthcare, food, housing, utility assistance, child care, etc.). They can also answer your questions about the coronavirus. 

For mental health difficulties, the crisis text line (741741) is a great resource. For issues specific to suicide, the national suicide prevention lifeline (1-800-273-8255) is also great. You can even get more specific help from them if you press 1 if you are a veteran or 2 if you want to speak in Spanish. The trevor project is also a great resource for LGBTQ2IA+ youth, and the trans lifeline can help trans people of any age who are in crisis or in need of financial resources.

CARDV, the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence, also has a support line and is continuing to provide emergency shelter to people, even if they are sick.

Reach out if you need help! Even if you think your problems are small, these people are happy to help and it's always better if you can get support early!