Montpelier Rifle Battalion Leader Oath

I am a LEADER!

I will assist all individuals in their efforts to become a highly motivated, well disciplined, physically and mentally fit leader; one capable of defeating any obstacle academically or physically, each day, in each class, in or out of JROTC.

I will instill team pride each day within my scope of leadership; pride in self, in the Montpelier Rifle Battalion, Orange County High School, and in my country.

I will insist all whom I lead, meet and maintain the standards of bearing and courtesy; that are consistent with the highest traditions of the Montpelier Rifle Battalion.

I will lead by my example; never requiring anyone to attempt any task I would not do myself.

But First, Last, and Always, I am a leader; bound by a duty to uphold the standards of my school, my battalion, and the United States Constitution, against any foe.

I am steadfast in my capacity as a leader.

I am a LEADER!