Digital Tools

2nd Period

Room 324


Course Description

This course is designed to develop skills in digital applications. There is a strong focus on digital citizenship and personal responsibility in the use and consumption of technology. Contemporary tools will be used to include Google Suite, Adobe Suite, online coding applications and various other technologies. Individual and group assignments will be presented allowing students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. Correct keyboarding skills will be taught with a focus on increasing both speed and accuracy. 

Class Text 

There is no text for this course. We will be using a variety of online resources including Google Classroom,, Khan Academy, Creative Educator, Common Sense Media and activities from ‘Developing Digital Detectives’ (LaGarde & Hudgens, 2021). 

Materials Needed 

This course aims to:


Expectations for this class

 (If there are extenuating circumstances, I will address that on a case by case basis - students will need to meet with me to discuss the situation)   


Class Rules

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Class Setup