eBooks and Audiobooks

Norris High School is part of a consortium with the ESU 6 in using Baker Taylor Boundless (formerly Axis 360) and Sora for eBook/audiobook checkout on your own devices. Sora is available through the waffle on your chromebook and you can stop by the library for help singing up for boundless/ 

The magic wall displays the ebooks and audiobooks available on Boundless. Magic Wall Here

You can checkout books from Baker Taylor Boundless and read them on any apple iOs devices, android devices, Kindle Fire or Kindle HD, or even your computer/ chromebook. Stop by the library for help in setting up an eBook account and getting the books to your devices.

Check out is limited to 3 books, and the checkout period can be set from 1 day to 3 weeks.

In order to utilize the Baker Taylor Boundless eBooks you will need to download  Boundless app on your devices or you can read in the browser on a chromebook from the boundless website. 

Sora is available through the waffle on your google account. You can sign in using your @nsdtitans account. For step by step directions on sign up, click here. 

Sora Tutorial - Watch Video

Overdrive is the ebook/audiobook platform that Lincoln Public Library uses and any resident of Lancaster county is able to get a library card. You can login to overdrive using your library card #. If you know you have a card but do not know your number you can call any of the LCL branches and they can look that information up for you. A library card must be applied for in person (if you do not have a card). 

Hoopla is another service offered by Lincoln City Libraries with eBooks and Audiobooks as well as music, movies and tv shows. 

LibriVox- LibriVox provides free audiobooks of selections that are in the public domain. It has hundreds of books including many classics.