Weekly Newsletter

Week of May 6-10, 2024


In Fundations this week, we continued to build phonemic awareness by blending and segmenting words with four sounds, and playing "which one doesn't belong" with rhyming words. We did word chaining with words containing digraphs and silent e, and added some blends too. We practiced our snap words and added went and want to our "unofficial snap words: for and from.   The snap words we have introduced  are: it, is, the, a, can, like,  I, see, you, he, we, be, me, she, my, no, go, am, an, and, on, to, do, in, said, was, have, they, and with.  

We continued working on our "How to Plant a Seed," books and Seed Journals this week. We also started Butterfly Journals. 

The fairy tale we focused on this week was Golidlocks and the Three Bears. We compared and contrasted different versions of the traditional tale, and read one non-traditional version, where things were quite the opposite! 


This week in math, we turned our focus to weight. We are working on describing what "weight" is, and on using the terms "heavier" and "lighter." We experimented with using the balance scale to weigh different items. We also played a few games involving teen numbers and place value.  

In Number Corner, we've been having fun figuring out the different patterns on our calendar cards. Each day, we have either a story problem or equation to solve, and have to figure out whether it is an addition or subtraction problem.  We learned a lot about probability this week with our cat and dog spinner (1/4 is dog and 3/4 is cat). We are changing it to half dog and half cat next week to see what changes.  

Math Work Places:

*Ones and Tens teenage number spin and write

*Place Value Game with Mrs. Harvie

*Double Ten Frame/Place Value Work with Mrs. Gragen

*Make it Five Game

*Roll & Add Game


We finished:


 Books and Poems:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (two different versions)

Goldilocks and Just the One Bear

Fly, Butterfly

Egg to Butterfly

"The Plant Part Song"

"April" and "May" from Chicken Soup with Rice

 At Home Ideas: 

*Ask your child what is happening with the caterpillars and seeds in our classroom. 

*Get out some old socks, recyclables, and craft materials to make puppets and put on a show! 


*On Monday, we got some surprise visitors in the mail: caterpillars! We've been observing them all week. 

*On Tuesday, we saw an awesome puppet show--"Sir George and the Dragon," put on by Pumpernickel Puppets. 


Donations Needed: 

*Small cardboard boxes

*Colorful masking tape

Thank you!