NSCC Email

Q: What is my NSCC email address?

A: Your email address is your MyNorthshore username followed by @northshore.edu

For example, if your username is jdoe01 your email address is jdoe01@northshore.edu

Note: Your username when logging into the MyNorthshore portal does not contain @northshore.edu (jdoe)

Q: Can I change my email address?

A: No - The MyNorthshore portal automatically assigns each student an email address that can't be altered. The only exception to this if your name changes.

Q: Can I forward My NSCC email to another account?

A: Click here for instructions on how to forward your NSCC Gmail account

Q: Why can't I access email when logged into the MyNorthshore portal?

A: Some ad-blocking/pop-up blocking software may prevent the email page from loading. If you are running any pop-up blocking software try disabling it, then log back into the MyNorthshore portal and retry.

Q: Why can't I receive email attachments that are over 20Mb?

A: The limit on Gmail email messages with attachments is 20Mb.