Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is the learning management tool that the 5th and 6th grade teachers will use to communicate with both the students and their families. All students should check Google Classroom every day - but especially when a student is absent. 

During the first week of school, you will receive an "Expectations and Policies" letter from your child's homeroom teacher. Complete the form and provide all email addresses you'd like us to use to communicate with you. Return the form as soon as possible so that we can send you an invitation to Google Classroom. Check your email and ACCEPT the invitation. Check the settings to make sure that you will receive DAILY emails (rather than weekly). Change the time zone from Central to EASTERN so that you can receive emails earlier in the day (usually by 3:00 p.m.). 

Both the students and the families will find Google Classroom to be a valuable organization, communication, and learning tool.