6th Grade Global Studies

Western World

The 6th grade journey begins with a review of what we remember about the 5 themes of geography – Movement, Region, Human/Environment Interaction, Location and Place. The students know this as “MR. HELP”. Thinking like a Geographer will be the spring board for the many hats we will wear in 6th grade.

In addition to making connections and thinking like a geographer, the students will learn how to think like a Political Scientist, an Economist, an Anthropologist, and a Historian. Different perspectives will be revealed throughout the year as we develop questions, gather and evaluate evidence, and determine how to respond to newly formed opinions and outcomes. We continue to notice a more critical level of understanding about the world and our part in it.

Explorations in 6th grade take us throughout the Western World. When we "go to" these countries, we will analyze the places visited in various ways. Some strategies we will use include asking thought provoking questions, finding and evaluating documented evidence to support a position, and engaging in meaningful conversations. Together we will also study the social issues, economic impacts, and political decisions that affect citizens across our globe. The students begin to recognize a much deeper understanding and appreciation of the world in which we live. These experiences allow the students to connect to their world in ways they never thought of before. By the end of the school year, the students will showcase their knowledge and understanding of western world countries by presenting their research at the Western World Showcase.

These topics are covered in 6th Grade:

  • Map and atlas skills review
  • Daily Geography
  • The Five Themes of Geography (MR HELP) review
  • Economy: what is it? how does it work?
  • Ancient times through modern day:
    • Europe
    • Australia
    • North America
    • Central America & Caribbean Islands
    • South America
    • Antarctica