US History II 

Mr Emerton/Ms Tully  Immigration Project


"Supports U.S. history studies and provides an overview of our nation's past, covering the most studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people."

Suggested Search Terms: 

*****Students are reporting log in issues with Gale in Context: US History. 

If this happens try using  Gale in Context: World History and change the search to US History OR go to the North Reading HS Media Center Databases page and try opening any Gale database. If you can get in then go back and select either Gale in Context: US History or Gale in Context: World History to continue.


Salem History   (Search for the Encyclopedia of American Immigration)

Covers the full breadth of American immigration history in 525 alphabetically arranged and easy-to-understand articles. Designed for and written to be understood by high school students and college undergraduates, it offers a different approach to immigration history that can also be used by advanced students and scholars.

"Immigration."  UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History vol. 4 

Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and Rebecca Valentine. Detroit, MI: UXL, 2009. 1871 pp. 8 vols.

Introduces the history of the United States from pre-Colonial America to the present day. Explores the timeline of America: its founders, key historical figures, wars, events, political environment, economy, and culture.

"Immigration."  American Decades vol. 1

Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi, Richard Layman, Tandy McConnell, and Vincent Tompkins, eds. Vol. 1: 1900-1909. Detroit, MI: Gale, 2001. 5690 pp. 10 vols.

American Decades is a cross-disciplinary source for junior and high school students and teachers, public librarians and general researchers who need a single, consistent reference to document and analyze periods of contemporary American social history.

Lawrence W. Baker, Sonia Benson, James L. Outman, Rebecca Valentine, and Roger Matuz, eds. Vol. 2: Almanac. Detroit, MI: UXL, 2004. 1391 pp. 6 vols.

Hint: Search Volume 2: Italian and Greek Immigration; Eastern European Immigration

The almanac volumes tell of the economic, religious and political forces that compelled people to seek a better life in a new land. These same forces later inspired the migration of many Americans to other areas in mass movements such as the Westward Expansion; the rural to urban migration; the Great Migration of blacks in the early part of the 20th century; and the migration to the Sunbelt starting in the 1960s.

K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner, eds. Detroit, MI: Gale, 2006. 483 pp.

Hint: Focus on entries from Immigration from 1870–1905.                            Click on the > arrow to display all of the entries related to Immigration from 1870-1905

Provides primary source documents focused on immigration and multiculturalism in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Contains approximately 175 full or excerpted documents---speeches, legislation, magazine and newspaper articles, essays, memoirs, letters, interviews, novels, songs, and works of art---as well as overview information that places each document in context. International in scope.

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

Use the login information above to sign in and search for books.  Some of the titles available from Infobase eBooks include:


Hint: Click on the link to visit the Webpage. Move your cursor over the photograph. Click higlighted areas for more information. 

Follow in the immigrants' footsteps by taking this tour. You'll hear first-hand stories told by people who came through Ellis Island; see historical photographs and films; read fascinating facts; and discover the central role this station played in the story of American immigration. 

Ellis Island Photographs from the Collection of William Williams, Commissioner of Immigration, 1902-1913

Hint: Click on the > icon to navigate through the photo album


(30 minute video from the National Park Service)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

Remembering Ellis Island Full Video (59:51)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

A comprehensive documentary of the Ellis Island story in all its complexity. We take you behind the scenes into the memory-haunted ruins of unrestored Ellis Island. Our cameras trace the saga of Immigrants coming from the old world through what is now Ellis Island Immigration Museum.  

Ellis Island Full Video (02:15:52)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

For some it was the Isle of Hope. For others, it was the Isle of Tears. For half a century, Ellis Island was America’s “golden door,” where entrance meant a new life and rejection meant a heartbreaking return to hopelessness. In this A&E Special, we meet an ethnically diverse group of immigrants who recall their extraordinary adventures, from the treacherous passage across the sea to the daunting challenge of starting life over in a new and foreign land. Interviews from the Ellis Island Oral History Project reveal what the immigration experience was actually like, while historians address the island administration’s sometimes insensitive and overly expedient policies. Rare photos and film footage are also included. 

Distributed by A&E Television Networks.

Ellis Island: Part 2  Full Video (46:34)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

Walk in the footsteps of the millions of people who entered America through this legendary gateway in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. 

Distributed by A&E Television Networks.

Old World, New World Full Video (52:16)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

The story of 35 million Europeans who left their troubled homelands for the promise of freedom and opportunity, and the hardships of the transatlantic voyage they endured to reach America. (52 minutes)

Username:  North-ReadingHS

Password: Hornets

Fleeing persecution, poverty, and famine, millions of 19th-century Europeans arrived in a place that seemed worse than what they’d escaped—a seething Manhattan in the throes of the Industrial Revolution. This program uses eye-opening computer reconstructions to envision what waves of immigrants had to accept. It was a city consumed by filth and corruption, with a massive populace crammed into the slums of Lower Manhattan. The film looks at some of the disease-carrying parasites that thrived in overcrowded tenement buildings and shows what it was like to cook with improvised 19th-century ingredients—clothes dye and floor cleaner—to disguise the taste of fetid meat. But viewers will also marvel at feats of engineering that transformed the sullied New York landscape into a metropolis worthy of the world’s esteem. A BBC/Discovery Coproduction. A part of the series Filthy Cities: A History of Public Sanitation (or Lack Thereof). (49 minutes)

A BBC Production.


US History II Storyboard Slides Template

Click on the link below to make a copy of this template. After creating your storyboard add an additional slide for your citations. Delete the blue cover page when you are finished creating your storyboard. 

US History II Storybook Template

Click on the link below to make a copy of this template. After creating your story add an additional slide for your citations.


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