Practice Tips and Calendars

What does it mean for my child to practice?

The term practicing scares more people away from band than any other word. It brings to mind images of screaming, pleading, and heads banging against the wall (and that’s the parents). What is practicing? How do you practice? How much should my child be practicing? What can/should I do? Relax - it’s not as bad as you think!

Practicing is a necessary part of learning to play an instrument. In order for a child to master any new skill, it must be practiced. Playing an instrument has the unique position of being both a physical and mental skill. In fact, scientists have learned that playing a musical instrument activates all areas of the brain simultaneously! It’s a real brain workout! This makes quality practicing essential!

“I Don’t Wanna Practice!”

The honeymoon has to end eventually. After the initial thrill of starting an instrument is over, every child realizes that practice is work. This is a natural part of the learning curve. Don’t worry. We can get through this together!

Suggestions for dealing with the “I don’t wanna practice” syndrome

    1. Set attainable weekly goals for total practice minutes. Maybe even sign a contract!

    2. Remind them of the responsibility and the commitment that they made to practicing their instrument.

    3. Remind them of how much fun it was when they were practicing. Playing an instrument is always more fun when you are prepared.

    4. Accept an occasional bad week. We all have them. Simply encourage them to set a higher goal for themselves next week.

    5. If all else fails, call, email me, or send me a message on ClassDojo. I will be glad to offer suggestions!

Sometimes that “Q” word comes up. That’s right - sometimes they just want to quit. Don’t panic. These cases are best handled on an individual basis. Please contact me — I will be more than happy to help you out of this situation!

Practice Calendars:

Practice Calendars 2022-23