Visual Design: Foundations of Design & Print Production

Adobe Visual Design is a project based curriculum that develops key digital communication skills such as principles and elements of design, project management, research and communication, graphic design and illustration and page layout, technical skills and techniques using the Adobe Creative Cloud key applications.

Visual Design develops four key skill areas:

• Project management and collaboration

• Design

• Research and communication

• Professional digital photography, illustration, and page layout

Students develop key skills in a spiral -- each project adds more challenging skills to the foundation proficiencies. Students experience subject arenas skills across careers in digital and graphic design, illustration, photography, print and digital media production.

This content also prepares the student for the Adobe Certified Associate exam. The ACA is a nationally recognized certification towards this career pathway and will serve as the end of course assessment.


Digital Design: Foundations of Web Design

Picking up from Visual Design skills, Adobe Digital Design: Foundations of Web Design is a project-based curriculum that teaches digital communication skills in the context of the professional web design and development process, using Adobe web tools.

Digital Design develops four key skill areas:

• Project management and collaboration

• Design

• Research and communication

• Professional web-authoring tools

Students develop these key skills in a spiral—each project adds more challenging skills onto the foundation proficiencies. Digital Design addresses each of these areas, using a project-based approach. Each project has phases that follow a design and development process, from project planning to evaluation and launch.

**Content subject to change due to industry standards.