H.O.P.E. Co-Op

In honor of our former principal James MacAdams, who encouraged us all, teachers and students alike, to maintain HOPE, I am starting a club called the Co-Operative for Students Having Outstanding Positive Experiences, or HOPE Co-Op for short.

The mission of HOPE Co-Op is to

  • introduce new ideas to our members that they won't likely hear in school,

  • teach new habits to our members that they likely won't start on their own, and

  • encourage self-confidence that they need to be successful in school and in life

We will meet weekly and do a variety of things, which may include some or all of the following:

  1. Give Speeches - speak in front of others to build confidence

  2. Play Board Games - learn about real money to prepare for real life

  3. Play Chess - grow your thinking skills to strengthen your mind

  4. Exercise - start a life of good physical habits

  5. Volunteer - give back to the community by serving others

We will also invite Guest Speakers so we can learn from their experiences.

HOPE Co-Op will be student-led by a President, Secretary & Treasurer, voted upon by the club.