
Creative Maybe Projects

Projects have included the following:

  • a dramatic performance acted out by 5+ classmates of the student
  • candy dispenser, pinata and even a tissue box as creative way to present a problem
  • board games
  • 3-D models of rockets, bicycle wheels, and solids

The important part of your project is how you use it to teach the concept to your classmates.

Here are some sample Creative Maybe Projects linked below.

Scroll down to open the Project Assignment and Rubric sheet.

Problems & Questions

The following problems and questions are ones you have probably thought about or even discussed with others at some point in your life. We will tackle these big problems and questions, and will use math to support our solutions and answers.

1) When will a country first experience a shortage of food?

For example, while the population of Malawi is growing rapidly, millions are already at risk of starving and yet the supply of food is struggling to keep up due to a poor economy.

For reference, see the following

2) When can we expect gender equity in pay? (first explored by Amara Butler in her Creative Maybe Project)

Currently, women lag behind men in average pay in many sectors of work in the United States.

  • What are the current estimates for average pay for men and women? Why are they historically different?
  • At what rate is their pay increasing? What factors might affect each gender, or both?

3) Who NEEDS to be a Millionaire?

It has been commonly accepted as a reasonable if not lofty goal for people planning retirement to aim for savings of $1 Million. Is that a reasonable target for a forward thinking teenager?

  • What kind of life do you want to live when you are older?
  • When do you want to stop working? or at least stop needing to work to survive? (Realistic answers, only!)
  • How will inflation affect your planning?

4) Is a lottery ticket a wise investment?

Millions of Americans spend money on lottery tickets in hopes that they will be "the one" who strikes it rich. Is it a smart decision? If it is, why do so many NOT win? If it is not, then what is it if it's not an investment?

  • Would you be willing to part with $10 for a 3% chance to win $20?
  • Would you be willing to part with $10 for a 0.3% chance to win $20?
  • Would you be willing to part with $10 for a 3% chance to win $20,000?
  • Would you be willing to part with $10 for a 0.3% chance to win $20,000?
  • Would you be willing to part with $10 for a 0.000000003% chance to win $200,000,000?
  • How do you feel reading each of these questions?