Scaffolding Academic Language for English Learners: What, Why, How?
Scaffolding Academic Learning for Second Language Learners
This article provides explanations and examples of how to scaffolds for English language learners:
"Scaffolding refers to providing contextual supports for meaning through the use of simplified language, teacher modeling, visuals and graphics, cooperative learning and hands-on learning" (Ovando, Collier, & Combs, 2003, p. 345).
Three types of scaffolding have been identified as being especially effective for second language learners.
Simplifying the language: The teacher can simplify the language by shortening selections, speaking in the present tense, and avoiding the use of idioms.
Asking for completion, not generation: The teacher can have students choose answers from a list or complete a partially finished outline or paragraph.
Using visuals: The teacher can present information and ask for students to respond through the use of graphic organizers, tables, charts, outlines, and graphs.
Gestures and Facial Expressions