Club Space

Our club space is located at A56 Fitzpatrick. This building can only be accessed after hours by engineering students using student ID cards.

Club Space Rules

  • All materials and tools should remain in the club space with the exception of a project build taking place in another location. Materials should be promptly returned after the meeting.

  • We share the club space with a professor in the College of Engineering. As such, some of his lab's belongings are stored there. Please do not touch anything labeled Brockman or any materials sitting on the top shelf of the lab.

  • Make sure to leave the space as you found it, clean up after yourself, and take your belongings with you.

  • Scan-in using the QR code on the door, wear a mask, and follow social distancing procedures. Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of build privileges.

  • A project lead or club officer must be present at all times.

  • No more than five people are allowed in the space at a time.

  • Before arriving at the club space, sign up on the Google Sheet.

  • Do not remove the hot plate from the club space under any circumstances.