In the News

ND Day 2020

In the News

Enable ND promotion titled "Lend a Hand" that aired during the Notre Dame football games.

Tina Rivera discussed her work as a Project Lead in Enable ND on the 2020 ND Day Livestream.

Robbie Frei and Mia Hoffman represented Enable ND on the 2020 ND Day Livestream. The full interview can be found here.

Inside Edition's promotion for Enable ND featuring Team Tori.

Mike Skinner interviewed on the Steve Harvey Show with Tori in November 2018. The full show can be found here.

Dominque Demoe's article about Enable ND for the Department of Art, Art History, and Design.

Cole Grabowski and Mike Skinner were interviewed by WSBT 22 in the Fall of 2018.

Notre Dame Stories covered Enable ND delivering Tori's second pair of prostheses.

In the Spring of 2019, Mike Skinner and Mia Hoffman represented Enable ND on the ND Day Livestream. The full interview can be found here.