
The New Farmers of America had a Quarter Contest. Listen to this NPR feature about the Quartet Contest by clicking on the link or download arrow below.

Sing a Song of the FFA is an oldie but a goodie. Click on this link or download arrow below to save the song to your computer.

The US Army Band composed a March for the FFA. The FFA Band would play it when they marched in the American Royal Parade. Click on the FFA March below to download the song.

I'm in Love With a Boy from the FFA is a genuine FFA classic. Download the song from below.

In 1931 and in 1933 the FFA sponsored a songwriting contest. The rules for the 1933 contest can be downloaded below. The songwriting contest in 1931 had the intention of selecting one of the songs as the official FFA song. The results of the 1931 song writing competition are found in the minutes of the 1931 FFA Convention (p. 19):

After considerable discussion as to the merits of the various songs, it was the sense of the meeting that none of the songs should be chosen as the official song of the F. F. A. The delegates felt that rather than have one official song, there should be several songs, if possible, collected and put in the form of an F. F. A. song book some time in the future. However, it was moved, seconded, and carried to pay $150.00 for the song (No. 31) submitted by Bertha A. Kleinman, of Mesa, Arizona, and Ralph Sarager, of Phoenix, Arizona, entitled "Hail the F. F. A." and to authorize the Executive Secretary to purchase the songs of three other contestants as follows, if such could be done at a reasonable figure: Song No. 1 —"Sons of Soil," by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duck. Song No. 7—"F. F. A. National Song," by Thelma M. Enos. Song No. 16—"Future Farmers of America," by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bellman.