Academic Pages

Academic enrichment and achievement is the fundamental cornerstone of our NJROTC program. We are first and foremost an academic program, and we strongly believe that success in all other areas of our program begins with a foundation of academic success in all classes. We closely monitor our Cadets' academic standing in all of their classes, providing counseling and tutoring when appropriate to help encourage them to do their very best at all times. We believe that academic success in High School begins with self-discipline and self-control, and so these skills are demonstrated, taught and rewarded from the very first day of each school year.

In order to participate in any of our Unit Teams, or in any of our after-school activities and social events, we expect that our Cadets will have a 2.0 GPA and be passing all courses. Additionally they must have a "C" or higher grade in the NJROTC course. In this regard our program sets a higher bar than most school activities, but we have found that our Cadets will consistently rise to the challenge and in the end be better students because of it.

We believe in the use of technology both in and out of the classroom, and we lead the way in our school in the introduction and innovative use of cutting-edge academic technology. We invite you to look at the large amount of internet-based study materials we have created and posted on this website. You can find links to them in the Academic Pages section of the navigation bar on the left. The academic materials we have created and placed on the web are used extensively by NJROTC Units world-wide. In each of our classrooms we make daily use of the eInstruction Classroom Performance System (CPS) hardware and software provided to us by the NJROTC Program. We have our own mini-computer lab in our office spaces where students can study before and after school in home access to a computer is a problem. We additionally make extensive use of Google Applications for Education and spearheaded the integration of this system within Sebastian River High School. This website is one small example of that software.

NJROTC Curriculum Description

Naval Science 1 (NJROTC 1)

PURPOSE: To introduce students to the meaning of citizenship, the elements of leadership, and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals; promote an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including physical fitness, a proper diet, and controlling stress; drug awareness; provide the principles of health and first aid, geography and survival skills and an overview of Naval ships and aircraft. These elements are pursued at the fundamental level.

COURSE CONTENT: Includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government; introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid to include diet, exercise and drug awareness, introduction to Geography, Orienteering, Survival and Map Reading Skills; Financial Skills and introduction to the U. S. Navy.

Naval Science 2 (NJROTC 2)

PURPOSE: To build on the general introduction provided in Naval Science 1, to further develop the traits of citizenship and leadership, and to introduce cadets to the technical areas of naval science and the role of the U. S. Navy in maritime history and the vital importance of the world’s oceans to the continued well-being of the United States.

COURSE CONTENT: Includes ongoing instruction into Leadership; introduction to Maritime History, including the American Revolution, Civil War, the rise of the U. S. to world power status, World Wars 1 and 2, the Cold War Era and the 1990s and Beyond; introduction to Nautical Sciences to include Maritime Geography, Oceanography, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Physical Sciences.

Naval Science 3 (NJROTC 3)

PURPOSE: Broaden the understanding of students in the operative principles of leadership, the concept and significance of teamwork, the intrinsic value of good order and discipline in the accomplishment of objectives. Academic focus expands to the importance of sea power and national security. Students gain a more in-depth knowledge of Naval ships and aircraft and an introduction to marine navigation and seamanship.

COURSE CONTENT: Includes instruction in Sea Power and National Security, Naval Operations and Support Functions, Military Law, and International Law and the Sea. Provides introduction to Ship Construction and Damage Control, Shipboard Organization and Watch Standing, Basic Seamanship, Marine Navigation, and Naval Weapons and Aircraft. Ongoing instruction in leadership, citizenship and discipline.

Naval Science 4 (NJROTC 4)

PURPOSE: Focused primarily on advanced leadership techniques and implementation. The intent is to assist seniors in understanding leadership and improving their leadership skills by putting them in positions of leadership, under supervision, then helping them analyze the reasons for their varying degrees of success throughout the year. Classroom activities include seminars, reading assignments, classroom presentations, and practical work with younger cadets. Seniors are mentored/guided in their preparation for life after high school to include college preparation, scholarship applications, and the variety of choices that are available to them.

COURSE CONTENT: Includes instruction in theoretical and applied aspects of leadership, training, and evaluation of performance. Students will become aware of the techniques used to create motivation, develop goals and activities for a work group, and the proper ways to set a leadership example. Students are provided access to ACT/SAT prep courses, guidance in selecting a college and pursuing available scholarships, and mentoring in establishing long range life goals.

Sounds Pretty Serious--Is there any fun stuff?

NJROTC cadets participate in a number of outside, or extra-curricular, activities throughout the school year and during the summer months. These opportunities are designed to stimulate learning by hands-on experience and to reinforce classroom instruction. Some of these activities include:

  • School and local activities such as parades, community service projects and events, academic, athletic, drill, marksmanship , orienteering, Cyber Patriot and Drone competitions.

  • Leadership training of about 1 week during the spring and summer months to include Basic Leadership Training and Leadership Academy.

  • Orientation visits (day and overnight trips) to various naval and military bases.

  • Tours of U.S. naval vessels and aviation squadrons.