Membership Selection Process

What does it take to be a member of NHS?

  • Scholarship: students must have and maintain a GPA of at least 3.5

  • Service: in your interview you will be asked about community service or school service you've completed. Students must have at least 10 hours of community service documented with Guidance prior to applying.

  • Character: NHS members should have a good reputation in the school community and be actively helping to make the school a better place. For each applicant, their teachers will be asked to give feedback on whether or not that student exemplifies good leadership and character.

  • Leadership: in order to apply to the NHS, you must have already been a member of another club, sport, or extra-curricular activity. This demonstrates that you are already taking a leadership role in the school.

The annual Membership Selection Process begins after term three grades are issued. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher are invited to submit membership information. This is not an application process and becoming a member of National Honor Society is not a right, but an honor bestowed on students who have shown excellence in not only scholarship, but service, leadership, and character.

All students who submit complete membership information will have an interview with the Faculty Council. The faculty council has the final say on membership and new member names are passed onto the chapter adviser. Those being inducted will be tapped about a week before the scheduled candle lighting ceremony during the school day. The candle lighting induction ceremony takes place on the evening of the MVees at 5:30 pm. All are invited to attend.

The application form will be emailed to all students who meet the GPA qualifications. Please see Mrs Prescott if you have any questions.