
Red Cross Blood Drive

On Tuesday, March 28 we hosted a Red Cross blood drive in our MVHS gym. We had 55 students who came to donate blood and collected 44 pints! We were excited to help out the community in this way.

Royal Readers

On Tuesday, February 21 we went to Salisbury and Boscawen to read to the elementary students. NHS members brought one of their favorite books to read to the kids and answered their questions about high school. It was a fun time for us to visit with the elementary students and teachers.

Gift Shopping

On Tuesday, Nov 29 we went shopping to buy Christmas gifts to donate to Homes for Forgotten Children. We bought $300 of toys, games, and other fun stuff. We are excited to think about the kids who will get this gifts!

Haunted House

On Saturday, October 29th we held our annual Haunted House. We earned $1,000 that we will use throughout this year to fund our community service projects! We had a great time putting on this event and it seemed like everyone that came enjoyed it too.