Unit 11: Equilibrium


In this unit the focus will be on understanding the equilibrium condition of chemical systems and the mathematical representation of this condition. Le Châtelier's Principle and the calculation of the reaction quotient will be used to predict the direction of equilibrium. Also, focus will be on recognizing and understanding the difference between strong and weak acids and bases, evaluating conjugate acid-base pairs, and calculating the equilibrium constant, pH and percent dissociation for aqueous systems.

Enduring Understandings

The students will understand that:

  • Many chemical reactions do not proceed to completion, but rather reach an equilibrium state.
  • The strength of an acid (or base) is defined by the equilibrium position of its dissociation reaction.

Essential Questions

  • How do we mathematical describe and understand the concept of chemical equilibrium?
  • How does the strength of an acid (or base) relate to its equilibrium position?