Simon Board

Simon Board Information

This page is for the Simon Board that was first developed in 2003. Small revisions were made until 2008, but the basic board design remained the same. In 2009, the Simon Board was replaced with the Simon2 Board. The links for the datasheet and user's manual given below are for the P89LPC932A1 microcontroller which was first used in 2005. Earlier versions of the Simon Board used the P89LPC932, rev C and rev G versions. The microcontrollers are similar enough that these datasheets can be used, but not all of the peripherals worked correctly in the earlier versions.

Microcontroller Datasheet - Electrical Information about the P89LPC932A1

Microcontroller User Manual - Programming and Peripheral Information about the P89LPC932A1

The downloads given on this page will work for all versions as long as a P89LPC932 rev. G or P89LPC932A1 microcontroller is used. The boards given out in 2003 had a P89LPC932 rev. C microcontroller which required a break detect to enter ISP mode. These downloads can be used on rev C microcontrollers, but code must be added to enable the UART and the break detect option. It is recommended that these microcontrollers be replaced with newer versions. The following downloads will also work on the Simon2 Board.

The music.asm program was originally written by a student in the Introduction to Engineering camp and I posted it for students to learn how interrupts work. If you write code for one of the Simon Boards and you think it could be used to teach other students, please e-mail it to me.