Circuit Playground

The Circuit Playground is available from Adafruit (

It can be programmed using the Arduino development environment (

There is lots of information, tutorials and examples available for getting started using this board (

The files below are used in the Introduction to Computer Engineering summer camp to learn how to use Switches, NeoPixels, Touch Pads and Speaker. There are also a couple of versions of the Simon Game. Version 1 is a modified version of the Simple Simon game from the Adafruit website. it allows the game to played continuously instead of stopping in an endless loop at the end of a game. Press the left switch to set the level which determines the length of sequence required to win the game (level 1 = 8, level 2 = 16, level 3 = 24 and level 4 = 32). Press the right switch to start a game. Use the touch pads to repeat what is played the the board. It will increase by one step each time until you win or lose. Version 2 has the following modifications: The level cannot be set by the user. It starts at level 1 and will increase by 1 if you win the repeat the entire sequence or decrease by 1 if you make a mistake. If you complete the sequence for level 4, you win the game. The length of sequence for each level is not quite as long as the original game (level 1 = 6, level 2 = 12, level 3 = 18 and level 4 = 24).