PIC Simon Robot

PIC Simon Robot Information

This page is for the PIC Simon Robot which was developed in 2015 to replace the Simon Robt. There are some big differences in the way this robot operates as compared to the Simon Robot. First, it uses the PIC16F1938 from Microchip instead of the 89LPC932A1 (a variant of the 8051). Second, this robot uses stepper motors instead of gear motors and wheel sensors. This allows for more precise movement. Links for the datasheet for the microcontroller and the Microchip website are given below. The software for this board can be written using the MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The source code given below was written in C and compiled with the free version of the XC8 compiler. Both of these software packages can be downloaded for free from the Microchip website.

PIC Programmer Information

The PIC Simon Robot was designed to have an external programmer instead of a built in programmer circuit like the Simon Robot. There are many reasons for this including the ability to use a PICkit3 or ICD3 from Microchip instead of the PIC programmer board. These would allow the user to interface directly with MPLAB X and have the option of in-circuit debugging. The PIC Programmer is a PICkit2 clone. It can only source +5V for the microcontroller supply voltage, but with the addition of a few parts it would be able to supply an adjustable microcontroller supply voltage. It requires PICkit2 software package from Microchip, but Microchip no longer distributes it. A link is provided for another source for this software package.

Microcontroller Information Page - http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?product=PIC16F1938

Microchip Website - http://www.microchip.com

MPLAB X and XC8 Software Download Site - http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/family/mplabx/

PICkit2 Software Download Site - http://pickit2.software.informer.com/download/