"Think Outside ~ No Box Required"

"#OptOutside" Fitness Challenge


MAES Physical Education classes are working on a new fitness theme this year, "Think Outside ~ No Box Required". Students will be challenged to move 60 minutes a day most days of the week. Students will choose daily fitness activities outside of the school day. Think Outside Minutes will be recorded by each student on an activity sheet to track their progress. Each student will bring in their activity sheet at the end of each month. Students logging 20 hours or more per month will be given a Think Outside ~ No Box Required sticker for the month to place on their Think Outside activity calendar. Our goal is to motivate students to move 60 minutes a day along with making healthy food choices to fuel their bodies. We encourage students to stay hydrated and get plenty of good sleep. Learning to make good fitness choices early in life will help students develop positive and healthy habits that will stay with them throughout their lifetime.

Family and Friends Fitness Kick Off Event

North Playground

Grades K-2 Kick Off

9:00 - 9:20 Kick Off

Grades 3-6 Kick Off

12:50 - 1:10 Kick Off