Free Multi SAN Certificate for your Exchange for two years

I am sure there is a lot of people out there who has been looking for free certificate but the search in google would always give you the same result of the CA providers and the only Free SSL certificate provider which is startcom company that provides a single SAN certificate for a year that.

But this provider wosign (Which also uses Startcom CA too) provides 2 years Multi SAN certificate for free (I tried 2 SANs and 6 SANs) and in both cases it worked perfectly for me although I don’t use these certificates for production environment but they are so important for lab and test environments e.g. (Exchange Hybrid Integration or migration and Lync Integration with Lync Online for EV integration).

Link to the free certificate click Here

I am going to write the steps below to get the certificate, also the longest time that I have waited for the certificate was 12 hours but I eventually has got it

The multi san cert is limited only to two years maximum but it serves the purpose.

Step 1 :

Fill in the subdomains that you want to use the SSL certificate for. each should be entered in a new line.


Then select 2 years and the type of Algorithms (mostly SHA2 as it's more secure)

Step 2: Step 2 is to verify your domain ownership.

To do so you will have to click on Validate Now and then select the email which is entered in your domain's Whois or the default admin or users

I usually create admin user or have access to the administrator user's email on Exchange or google apps.

Note, The validation process is restricted to be finished in only 60 seconds and that the validation email will get to you in 35 seconds so you only have 25 seconds to copy the validation

Step 3:

Generate CSR and paste it in the CSR box and once you paste it click with your mouse anywhere outside of the box in order for the SANs to appear in the small box on the right.


Once the SANs appear then click on Generate certificate and you should see the below screen


I am already using Hybrid integration between Exchange 2013 and Exchange online and the certificate works very well for me.


Hope you find this useful