Package installation issue

WARNING: I don't carry any responsibility if anything goes wrong on your Pfsense :D but I would be happy to help.


After upgrading Pfsense from 2.1.5 to 2.2 I have got no SquidGaurd installed and when I tried to install it I get the following error on Pfsense

ERROR: No digital signature! If you are *SURE* you trust this PBI, re-install with --no-checksig option.

of squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64 failed!

Installation of squidGuard-squid3 FAILED!

Beginning package installation for squidGuard-squid3 .

Downloading package configuration file... done.

Saving updated package information... done.

Downloading squidGuard-squid3 and its dependencies...

Checking for package installation...

Downloading ... (extracting)

ERROR: No digital signature! If you are *SURE* you trust this PBI, re-install with --no-checksig option.

of squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64 failed!

Installation aborted.Removing package...

Starting package deletion for squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64...done.

Removing squidGuard-squid3 components...

Tabs items... done.

Menu items... done.

Services... done.

Loading package instructions...

Include file could not be found for inclusion.

Deinstall commands...

Not executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.

Removing package instructions...done.

Auxiliary files... done.

Package XML... done.

Configuration... done.


Failed to install package.

Installation halted.

Reasons: as it indicates in the error above the reason why the package is not installed is due to not being digitally signed which might be something related to the new version.


In order to resolve this issue and successfully install SquidGaurd you will have to connect to your Pfsense from SSH (SSH Must be enabled and firewall rule must be configured) and do the following in order to install it by ignoring the Digital signature check.

Enter an option: 8


rm -rf /var/db/pbi/installed/squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64.pbi

pbi_add -f --no-checksig squidguard-squid3-1.4_4-amd64.pbi

Now I will go to System > Packages and (re)install the package that failed.

And the result as below