2. Cause of traffic congestion

Why does traffic congestion occur?

Causes of traffic congestion in Singapore and other cities

Separation of work and residential areas

• Work and residential areas are often apart, hence the need to commute (travel)

• Commuting can be done via private or public transport

• Car ownership is high in many cities because of the convenience of private transport

• Example: Car ownership in the United Kingdom

Inadequate transport infrastructure and poor provision of transport services

• Transport services refer to services provided to move people and goods from one location to another.

• Inadequate transport infrastructure: A city may not have the transportation facilities to handle traffic

– Not enough lanes on roads

– Network not well-connected

– Lack of alternative routes

• Poor provision of transport services: A city may not have enough public buses and rail to carry commuters

– Overcrowded trains and buses

– Buses do not arrive frequently and on time

– Leads to more vehicles on roads