Features of cities

  • Large population size due to natural increase and rural-urban migration.

      • Natural increase = Birth rate minus Death rate

        • Birth rate - number of live births for every 1000 people in a year

        • Death rate - number of deaths for every 1000 people in a year

      • Rural-urban migration - movement of people from rural areas to a city to live and work.

  • High population density

      • Population density = Number of people divided by the area they occupy (in sq km)

Though A has a smaller population size, the land area is very small and thus population density, which is the number of people divided by the land area, is higher than B.

    • Cosmopolitan population - multicultural society with many people from diverse cultural background.

    • Diverse ethnic culture

    • Celebration of different festivals throughout the year

    • Diverse ideas

    • Presence of people from different parts of the world

      • Wide range of cuisine

    • Built-up area is characterised by dense transport networks, tall buildings for offices and housing, as well as amenities and facilities such as schools and shopping malls.

      • CBD (Central Business District)

        • Commercial landuse - shops and offices

        • Residential landuse - apartment